Thursday, January 13, 2011

Anime Los Angeles 7 Participation

Oriental Fusion Handcraft @ Anime Los Angeles 7.
With the start of a New Year, many Japanese go to temples to pray for a healthy and positive New Year thinking about keeping friends and family safe. To show their positive wishes, many Japanese pick up Omamori Charms at the temples to provide protection and support to their loved ones. 
The Oriental Fusion Handcraft Recycling Workshop wanted to bring this same message to all of the guests attending Anime Los Angeles this year. With a overwhelming response from over 175 guests wanting to participate in our two 3-hour sessions, all the seats were filled with excited happy guests with many others waiting in line to join in on the fun. Guests were allowed to design their own unique Omamori using scraps of Washi paper as well as scraps from modern magazines. Many beautiful and unique designs from the guests can be found at our Facebook page. (Report by Rome Sotelo)